Art & Fashion Biz – Pitch Night & Networking

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Solving Business Challenges Real-time

2 entrepreneurs
6 minutes presentation
20 minutes feedback

Learning. Inspiration. Community. This is 620ChiliNights.

Venue: Impact Hub Budapest (Ferenciek tere 2, Budapest, 1053)


*** SPEAKERS ***

@Viktória Szabó
In the golden age of VOD, platforms stills struggle with marketing and audience engagement. on_realese is a film related social media platform where online cinema goers can share the films and VOD platforms they love, follow filmmakers and suggest films to their friends to help emerging talents to find their audience…

Anna Kudron
PINKPONILO was established in 2016 aiming to promote self-made clothing and to raise awareness towards the damaging effects of the fast fashion industry. We design a piece of cloth for every workshop that requires no advanced sewing skills and is doable in a few hours and also looks cool. We are also interested in combining creative technology and fashion…


We help startups and early stage entrepreneurs get feedback about their business. We host three entrepreneurs each time at the monthly event. It’s a great opportunity to learn from these dynamic conversations and engage with community members!

The number of tickets we sell for this event are limited, make sure to book your ticket in time. Thank you for your understanding!